Hair Pieces Questions Answered
For Halos, Ponies, Clip-in Bangs, Buns, and Wraps...
How do your hair pieces attach?
Each hair piece has a different attachment method. Check the product description, photos, and video to see attachment features. Learn more below about all the types of hair piece attachment methods.

Pressure Sensitive Clips - Small metal clips that you bend in one direction to open, and in the other to close, are referred to as pressure-sensitive clips. This attachment method can be found in most types of clip-in hair extensions or hair pieces; they are small in size, lightweight and easy to attach. Note: you must have a sturdy base of hair for the clips to be secure. Teasing methods help secure the hold for clips on clip-in extensions. To apply these clips, simply slide the "teeth side" of the clip into your hair and press on the outside edges till you hear or feel a small "snap" signaling the clip is closed and attached to your hair.

Straight Comb - A straight comb attachment has one row of "teeth" designed to slide easily into hair; straight combs can be made of plastic or flexible metal. These types of combs are used in hair pieces like half wigs, falls, wrap-around ponytails and more as a secondary attachment method accompanying pressure sensitive clips. To apply a straight comb you first create a bun, ponytail, or teased section in the hair. Then, slide the comb between the attachment and your head. Some people prefer to also add a few bobby pins around the attachment for added security.

Interlocking Combs - These are two straight combs designed to secure in the hair by locking together. Most commonly used in ponytails or up-do hair pieces, the combs slide underneath the existing ponytail or bun, lock together, then lay flat and flush with the head to achieve a natural silhouette.

Hair Wrap - A hair wrap is hair attached to an elastic band. A hair wrap can be used around a ponytail or bun to had a fuller look. Hair wraps are easy to apply and make quick and simple up-dos or ponytails. Some people prefer to add a few bobby pins to help secure the hair wrap in place, especially if the hair wrap is being added to a special occasion hairstyle.

Drawstring - A drawstring attachment is most commonly found in ponytails and bun hairstyles. It becomes tighter and more secure around the hair when pulled taught using an adjustable and flexible drawstring. A drawstring is commonly used with another attachment method such a straight comb or pressure sensitive clips as seen in the image. To apply, first position the hair using the straight comb or pressure sensitive clips then gently pull the drawstring until the hair becomes securely attached. To conceal the drawstring, simply tuck it under the hairstyle and add a bobby pin if necessary. The technique may require some instruction and practice to perfect.

Claw Clip - A claw clip (also commonly called a jawclip or butterfly clip) is two rows of "teeth" or combs that held in position by a spring. They are easy to use and used in ponytail and up-do styles. To apply a claw clip, first create a ponytail, bun, or teased section in the hair then simply squeeze the clip together to open the combs, apply over the existing hair, and release.

Weaving/Bonding - These techniques use wefts of hair designed to be affixed using a braiding and weaving technique or extension glue. Weaving involves first creating a series of braids or "corn rows" in the hair, then use of a needle and thread to secure the individual wefts to the braids. Bonding involves creating a clean section in the hair, sizing the weft to fit the section, then attaching the weft using special hair extension glue. Both techniques require careful removal. Weaving and bonding are advanced techniques and require skill and training.

Braiding - A braid attachment is loose hair that is designed to be integrated into natural hair using a braiding technique. Braiding hair can be used as a way to "bulk up" and thicken broad braids, fishtails, up-dos as well as dreadlocks, micro-braids, or cornrows. Braiding involves first creating sections in the natural hair and beginning a three-strand braid. As the braid is created, the loose hair is integrated in creating a thicker and longer braid than what would have been achievable using only natural hair. Braiding is an advanced technique and requires skill and training.
For Hair Extensions...
How do you apply hair extensions?
All of our hair extensions come as clip-ins to make it easier for application. Watch the video below to see how to apply a clip-in extension set.
How do I know how many extensions to order?
First, determine what you want the end result to be. Then, consider the length and density of your natural hair. If you want to create more volume, a one piece volumizer is perfect! If you are looking for both length and volume, we recommend a 5-10 piece extension set.
I have super short hair, and when I wear my extensions, the short hairs show. How can I make my extensions look more natural?
We recommend taking about 2-3 inches from the nape, braiding or twisting this section of hair, and clipping this portion flat against your scalp. Then, apply your extensions clip on this hair. Make sure you watch the video above to see this trick in action!
I'm always looking for clip-in extensions tips... do you have any more tips?
Avoid using a traditional hair brush on your extensions. Instead, opt for a wide tooth comb to detangle your pieces. This type of comb will help smooth the hair while helping to eliminate hair fall out.
At the end of the day, after removing your clip-in extensions, we recommend lightly misting the pieces with a leave-in conditioner and combing the hair free of tangles. Before storing your extensions, make sure to close the pressure-sensitive clips; this trick helps reduce tangling while storing.
For Hair Toppers...
What’s the difference between a hair topper and a hair piece?
Hair Toppers are perfect for adding volume to the top of the head! Depending on the base dimensions, toppers can provide coverage to the front, top, crown, or whole head.
Hair pieces are perfect for those wanting to switch up their look in an instance. Clip-in bangs, hair extensions, halos, ponytails, hair buns, and hair wraps are all examples of hair pieces as these do not cover a larger portion of the top of the head.
How do I know what hair topper is right for me?
If you are looking to just add volume to your look and do not have any form of hair thinning or hair loss, all of our hair toppers are options for you. Your preference may depend on how much of your natural hair (or biological hair) you’d like to show.
If you are looking for hair thinning or hair loss coverage, watch the video below for how to measure your head for a hair topper.
If your hair is thin, you can try backcombing / teasing your hair to add texture and reduce hair slickness in order you need to support toppers or clip-in extensions. Make sure you are applying and removing the pressure-sensitive clips properly in order to prevent hair loss.
Can I apply my hair topper myself or do I need someone to apply it for me?
Hair toppers are user-friendly and can be easily applied by yourself! Watch our video below for more instructions:
See our tips on hair fiber type and blending:
How should I know where and where not to clip my topper?
Knowing where to clip in your hair topper all depends on your specific topper’s base dimensions. Make sure you look at all of the product’s photos and videos for guidance.
As an example, if you have thin hair at your temples, you may stray away from toppers with clips in that location as you want to clip in the clips into hair that is fuller.
My hair is thin all over, what hair topper do I need?
If your hair is thin, you may need a full coverage topper. Look for toppers that have a base dimension that is 6" in width and larger.
If your hair is too thin or you are worried about the clips damaging your hair, you may opt for a full wig instead. Shop our sister site,